The Rowe Tribe

The Rowe Tribe

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last night Scott came in the bedroom from taking a shower and his hair was sticking up all over his head. I said, "You need to find a hair brush." His reply, "I can't find one; everytime I look there are no brushes." Jeff pipes up and says, "Yes, I can't find one either. For 15 years I've had the same brush and then one day, 'Poof', it was gone. Now I've had 5 brushes in the last 3 years and I can't find a single one of them! I asked when did you lose the last one? He replied, "The first day of our trip." Well, that's what comes from having children. We constantly buy things like hairbrushes, toilet paper, food, and it does all seem to disappear. Later in the evening, a little after midnight, we were going to bed and my sweet husband wished me "Happy Anniversary" since it was a few minutes into today. I aksed, "What do we have to show for this, these 18 years?" He chuckled and said, "9 munchkins and a big black bus outside". I said I am very happy with that and I have the perfect anniversary present for you, "A hairbrush."

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