The Rowe Tribe

The Rowe Tribe

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Old Maine Church- A Place to Worship the Lord- Sunday, July 28, 2013

We told the Jacksons that we'd like to go to their church with them, so Sunday morning, we loaded up for the short drive to the church they call home each summer while at the lake.

Parking lot

An incredible building built in 1850.  One of the neatest parts of the morning for me was when I discovered that the front door was standing open the entire time during the service.  There's just something about church that should be like that!

Every Sunday, the 163 year old bell gets rung. This Sunday, you can tell who wanted to ring it...

Rowe Boys

However, Elizabeth worked her way into the mix too for some ringing time.

Scott doing the Old Testament reading; which Kyle and Clint Jackson usually do when they're here.

Interior of the church as seen from the back.  Some renovation, such as the ceiling but original windows, pews, and floors.

After the service, Scott found a piano of course, tucked up in the vestibule behind the pews.

This is the floor; some mighty pines for this church.  The floors downstairs had even wider boards.  One can worship the Lord anywhere and as I looked out the window during the service once, my heart reflected on all that was right and good about my life and I thanked the Lord for the beautiful Maine sky and all my blessings.  I am so blessed and joyful.  My cup runneth over indeed.

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