The Rowe Tribe

The Rowe Tribe

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Blog! Big Step!

I have finally done it! I know it's not "rocket science" but for me technology is really hard. As long as everything works okay and stays the way it's supposed to, I'm okay. But give me a time when my computer won't do something I want it to or the internet is acting up, or the printer won't print, and I'm calling for my hubby to help me or since he's not always around, my oldest son is also becoming quite the whiz at fixing things.

I have been wanting a blog for some time, just a little fearful of the process. I read others' and decide, hey I want to do that. My main reason is to share my life and my family with my friends and family members. So many don't get to see us that often or even know what we are doing, so this is a way to share it all in one place at one time and our friends and family can choose to follow along if they want.
The picture above is of my sweet precious children right before Christmas at what they call our "mountain house". Going from bottom to top, Scott, age 11, Sarah Kelly, just turned 9, 3 days before this picture, our triplets, Drew, Elizabeth, and Harris (out of order) ages 5 1/2, and Jackson (aka Jack, J, Jaffe Man, Jacker....) age 3.