The Rowe Tribe

The Rowe Tribe

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Scenes of the Southern Shore in Nova Scotia

This board pretty much sums it up!  Welcome to New England style houses, the ocean, the marsh, boats, a coastal lifestyle - my kind of place!
The speed limit,  not mph but kph!
One of the paths back to the house
Carrying buckets and scoops back up to the house by another route - the boat path
There are some big fish here!
Playing in one of the tidal pools
"Sitting on the dock by the bay...."
Brother rowing sister
Big sister and little sister - on the deck looking over the yard and bay
Harris LOVES to row.
JB and I leave the children one evening for a short time to drive over to Chester and see the sunset over Mahone Bay.
Rowing on the pond.
Looking for the otters at the pond.
Coming back to the house from across the road at the pond.
Across the marsh

Having fun!
Someone (Daddy?) started a game of throwing seaweed at each other.
One of their favorite things - rocks!
"Little bit" having a good time at the edge of the water.  Even though it was cold, it didn't stop her from putting her feet in.
Boys and mud get along quite well.
Obviously it's not too cold!
Splash Fight
Dunking Contest
Morning on the Dock
Someone woke up early before I was finished with my morning tea on the dock. 
Wrapped up after swimming.
Through the woods.

Quote for the Day:  "Mommy, let's row over to Oak Island.  We have our guns, we'll tect [protect] you." ~ Jackson

1 comment:

  1. so enjoying your trip ... it is beautiful country in the summer, a bit to chilly for me come winter :)
